Skipping is a traditional school and playground pastime. It is still going strong in our school today with skipping ropes going out onto the yard at break times every day.
There are so many benefits to skipping. There are many important fitness benefits as well as coordination benefits for the children.
We decided to do a Skipathon challenge in 3rd and 4th class.
The children were asked to solo skip first. Basic moves like backward skipping, double skipping and crossovers were part of the first challenge. The children were timed for these.
Then we practised face to face skipping.
To finish we did some group skipping activities. The children knew a rhyme called ‘Over the Hills of Mexico’ and they showed this one to me.
They then learned a new group rhyme called ‘Sally’s in the Kitchen’.
Each student was rewarded a certificate on completion. We also had a little party after to celebrate.